This is Steve Sopchak, a Bova Ball user from NY. I think it has been about two years since I purchased my first Bova Ball from you, though my memory of the exact date is a bit fuzzy. I just wanted to let you know that it has continued to be one of the most valuable tools in my arsenal, and has had the most positive effect on my drum sound of any piece I’ve purchased within the last few years. It captures things the way I hear them.
It has excelled across genres… It was invaluable as a room mic for almost every instrument tracked on a record I did with an artist named Phil Smo recently, and absolutely fantastic as a FOK mic for a record I just finished with a band called Ice Nine Kills. Two vastly different records with equally stunning performance on the part of the Bova Ball. There are samples of those two records in the media section of my website if you’re interested…
I wanted to thank you for making such a unique product, and I would love to get another one. I can’t imagine how cool they would be as stereo overheads…
Do you have any in stock currently? If not, how long do you think it will be until they are in?
Please let me know, and thanks again!
Steve Sopchak
The Square Studio, LLC